Damayanthi J Lee- Sri Lanka


For over 25 years, the war caused significant hardships for the population, environment and the economy of the country with an initial estimated 80,000–100,000 people killed during its course. In 2013, the UN panel estimated additional deaths during the last phase of the war: "Around 40,000 died while other independent reports estimated the number of civilians dead to exceed 100,000."

On 26 December 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami struck Sri Lanka, killing more than 35,000 people and leaving many more homeless. A great deal of aid arrived from around the world but because of the war, there was further challenges to implement disaster relief.

These combined issues have left Sri Lanka in such a state that it has been difficult to implement restoration activities even though there is now peace in the country.

Dama has a vivid mission to restore the health of her people. By returning to her family land, she is building a clinic and Moringa farm to revitalize her village and be an example to the rest of the country.

Damayanthi Lee: Nurturing Wellness Through Moringa's Bounty

In the heart of Sri Lanka, Damayanthi Lee's journey with Moringa unfolds—a narrative that transcends the ordinary and cultivates a vision of health, sustainability, and community well-being.

Discovering the Healing Power: In May 2016, Damayanthi's life took a transformative turn when a family member faced a daunting cancer diagnosis. Rejecting conventional treatments, they ventured into the realm of herbal remedies, stumbling upon the miraculous Moringa tree. What began as a search for healing evolved into a profound connection with the sacred nature of Moringa.

Educational Odyssey: Empowered by a desire to understand and share the incredible benefits of Moringa, Damayanthi sought certification from "Moringa for Life." Guided by the wisdom of her mentor Mariko Gifford, Damayanthi's journey continued to a Moringa farm in California, where she became a certified Moringa Ambassador.

Cultivating the Earth, Nurturing Hope: Back in Sri Lanka in 2018, Damayanthi faced the challenge of clearing her parents' land in Kanniya Trincomalee. Undeterred, she planted a thousand Moringa trees, envisioning not just a garden but a community rooted in the principles of health and sustainability.

Empowering Communities: Collaborating with local communities, schools, and war widows, Damayanthi's mission expanded beyond cultivation. Moringa became a symbol of empowerment, teaching communities to grow, harvest, and benefit from this green treasure.

From Dream to Reality: By February 2020, Damayanthi dreamt of a Moringa tree in every home—a dream that transcended into action. Her vision was clear: "One Moringa Tree In each home," a mantra for a resilient and well-nourished Sri Lanka.

Rooted in Soil Health: The years 2021-2022 marked Damayanthi's commitment to understanding the very foundation of her mission—soil health. Completing a Soil Foundation Course with Dr. Elaine R Ingham, she fortified her journey with knowledge in soil biology, composting, worm farming, and permaculture.

Gram for Gram, Nutrient Rich: Damayanthi shares the nutritional symphony of Moringa—Fresh Moringa Leaves are: 7 times the vitamin C in oranges, 4 times the calcium in milk, 4 times the vitamin A in carrots. These revelations turn every Moringa leaf into a powerhouse of health.

A Call to Action: October 2023 marks Damayanthi's call to action—be a part of the solution. Through her words, "Promoting Food Sovereignty, Grow Natural Healthy Food, Cook Natural Healthy Recipes," she invites everyone to join in the journey of restoring our soils and nurturing our communities.


A Vision for Tomorrow: Damayanthi's story is more than a tale of planting trees; it's a vision of cultivating resilience, empowerment, and a future where Moringa's embrace intertwines with the well-being of individuals and communities alike. Join Damayanthi in nurturing wellness through Moringa's abundant gifts.

Damayanthi J Lee has a special message for the audience

This note is from my mentor Mariko at "Moringa for Life," where I obtained my certification to educate and cultivate Moringa. "I have been led to a connection with Moringa that is instructional, enhancing, and sacred," she expressed. I cherish this quote; it is etched in my heart. I also believe that the Sacred Moringa Mama has discovered me and is now guiding me on this remarkable mission journey. All she sought was an open heart and a hand willing to say yes to her calling. It is our Grand Nurture, contributing abundantly to a world in great need.

A tree rich in the most precious nutrients, Moringa has wisely chosen to grow where it is most needed—in arid, drought-plagued areas of our world. Moringa stands as a tree of hope for malnourished children, simultaneously drying the tears of their mothers. It's no wonder that Moringa is enveloped in legends and praise, inspiring awe and respect. I am eternally grateful.