India- Leban Serto


Our Moringa for Peace journey commenced in the early part of 2021, as prior to that, our growth was quite random. With the onset of the global Covid pandemic, we began strategizing our plan. The subsequent lockdowns and restrictions allowed us to focus on sharing seeds and educating individuals and communities locally, regionally, and globally through internet and postal networks to reach our partners.

Our emphasis was on promoting Peace and Peace Education by concurrently growing more trees, particularly Moringas. Various smaller events culminated in the launch of a larger movement, involving the planting of 1000 Moringas in South East Asia on July 12th, 2021.

Link for the Campaign—> Click Here

On the same day, the Moringa For Life, USA initiated the Growers & Educators course & I've been fortunate to receive a scholarship. An Advisory team and working group, led by Convenor Leban Serto and mentor Mariko Gifford, steered the movement through the challenging Covid months, reaching countries such as Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, and various parts of India, particularly the Northeast Region.

Seeds also reached South Africa, and two active interns Amit Barikeri & Udita Kangia campaigned, developed materials, and assisted in reaching local communities. The model was adopted by team advisor Mariana Price, launching the Shine Africa Campaign in October 2021.

Link for the Campaign—> Click Here

Within a year, by July 2022, we surpassed our initial target, giving away over 50,000 seeds. We expanded our reach to more countries, local communities, individuals, youths, and farmer groups, promoting Kingian Ideals and the 6 Nonviolence trees.

For More Details—>Click Here

The campaign gained momentum in the following year by introducing the 6 trees of Nonviolence by Prof. Paul Beuno Mesquita. This was embraced in India, Nepal, the Philippines, Jordan, and beyond, with many stories and testimonials of individuals impacting communities, villages, and beyond. Notably, the Nature's Pet Guardians (NPG) of Nagaland, India, led by convenor Ms. Aien Amri, successfully mobilized communities, institutions, and churches to grow more.

During APPRA 2022 in India, our working group presented at the International Conference, showcasing the impact of the campaign.

For More Details—>Click Here

Our vision includes support for:

  • Providing training to actively involved members, with scholarships for attending Moringa for Life courses.

  • Support for growing more trees with local communities and partners in our intervention areas.

  • Enhancing mechanisms for producing food products, obtaining technical know-how and machinery for local communities and partners.

  • Conducting more local training using the Moringa for Life curriculum.

  • Offering travel scholarships from time to time for trainers and key participants.

  • Developing and maintaining a database, documentation, and training materials over time.

His organisation is self funded and lot of volunteers and dedicated on field workers have made this possible. And he wishes to proceed further a bigger project for Moringa & peace. Get involved by volunteering or Donating.